Sampling System
Steam & Water Analysis System (SWAS)


Degassed Acid Conductivity, Sodium, Silica

Purpose of Sampling System
Steam & Water which is used for High Temp. and Press. Boiler should be maintained as High Quality.
Improper process water treatment will cause Scale, Corrosion, Carry-over problem and it will be the main reason of boiler trouble.
In Power Plant, Steam/Water circulation process, Water treatment process (RO, Filtering System) should be monitored instantly to detect the inflow of dirty particle and also the operating condition.
However, online monitoring is not possible for Steam/Water mostly due to the high temp. & pressure.
Sampling System is required to conditioning those samples to be suitable condition for the monitoring online.
Sampling Point of Power Plant
Sampling Contents & Purpose of Sampling
Silica (SiO2)
Scale monitoring in Turbine blades
Efficiency check of Ion-excahnger
Dissolved Oxygen (DO2)
Monitoring of residual O2 (Corrosion)
Alkalinity Control of feed water
Conductivity & Degassed Acid Conductivity
Water quality of feed water
Water quality of ION exchanger
Determine of blowdown for Boiler/Cooling Tower